Doc Reno

Doc Reno

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Woman Lives For A Year In A Store Sign?!

Photo: DARREN STAPLES / AFP / Getty Images

Contractors were surprised when doing a job at the Family Fare grocery store in Midland, when they found a woman, living inside the rooftop sign.

The contractors discovered an extension cord and followed it to the roof where they found the woman living inside the Family Fare sign, and called the Midland Police Department to investigate.

“They were like ‘OMG, someone is living in that sign,’” said Midland Police Department Public Relations Officer Brennon Warren. “I’ve never seen anything like this before in my career.”

The woman, has been nicknamed the "Rooftop Ninja," as she lived inside the store sign for almost a year, with a mini desk, flooring, a pantry of food and a houseplant.

“She made it home,” Warren said.

Officers trespassed her from the business, but offered her housing assistance, which she declined, as she has a vehicle.

So the ninja had free paring too.

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